My Commitment
My commitment is to propel you forward very quickly to discover, embrace and fulfill your divine purpose.
Through my multi-faceted framework, I provide you with tools to discover who you truly are, embrace your divine purpose and step forward in the direction of living out your abundant life.
I use a 4-part framework that ensures I can support you through different areas of your life, whether as an individual looking for personal growth and legacy living, as a family seeking to flourish or as a business or non-profit looking to grow in delivering value.

How I Work With You

Spiritual Growth
My calling as a minister of God’s word has led me to mentor, disciple and provide support for individuals to grow exponentially in their faith and live a fervent life full of signs and wonders.
I have provided podcasts, videos and I have also authored and co-authored more than 12 books, as a way to ignite the faith and focus of God’s children across the world.
One of the ways I currently disciple and mentor individuals is through courses and programs at Rooted Youniversity – a part of our Youniversity HQ Brand.

Personal Mastery
As a certified coach, trainer and speaker, I am passionate about seeing people live to their full potential. And I know that without personal mastery, self-governance and commitment to the growth process, an individual cannot live out their best life.
At Mom Youniversity – a part of the Youniversity HQ Brand, we provide coaching opportunities for individuals who desire to discover, embrace and fulfill their divine purpose through our Mentoring & Coaching Programs.

Family Transformation
My life-long commitment to strengthening families gave me the push to equip families with the resources and tools they need to thrive and flourish.
As a Certified Parenting & Family Values Coach and Trainer with the Maxwell Leadership Team by John Maxwell, I am equipped to train, coach and speak on parenting and family values.
This transformation is offered through my global organization, Families Arising, where we support families with the transformational tools, courses, workshops, trainings and programs, that will help them to navigate the abundant family life

Legacy Leadership
I believe in the power of Legacy Leadership, building institutions that last and empowering others to do the same.
As a Certified Leadership & Executive Coach, Trainer and Speaker with the Maxwell Leadership Team by John Maxwell, I am equipped to support individuals and businesses with building a legacy through their careers, businesses and legacy living.
These legacy leadership resources are offered through The Shift Into Legacy Movement, A Movement Calling Women to Shift into Legacy by Arising into their Divine Calling, Purpose & Assignment.

Exclusive Coaching
Want to work with me in my Exclusive high-transformational one-on-one coaching in any of these four areas or in any of my zones of genius?
Use the button below to complete the form and a member of our team will reach out to you.
Not ready for a full coaching relationship yet?
Book a 60-minute Clarity breakthrough coaching session with me here
Why You Should Work With Me

Provided resources to individuals and businesses for 10+ years
Created courses and programs, events and trainings that have
over 50,000 people
participate in around the world

Certified as a Coach, Trainer & Speaker since 2015